We will be a company that connects the world as one.
- Audio sync stabilization
- Multicast service Enable/Disable Menu added
2. Stabilization of VMS/NVR compatibility
- Improved the problem of Auto Focus not working after zoom operation for certain NVR/VMS
- Improved the problem of not being able to retrieve ONVIF Profile information for certain NVR/VMS
3. Added save and playback functions in browsers such as Edge and Chrome
4. When Micro SD is installed, the display order of the Home, Live, Play, and Admin Menu buttons at the top has been changed.
- If the current location is Home, Live, Play, and Admin are displayed.
- If the current location is Live, Home, Play, and Admin are displayed.
- If the current location is Play, Home, Live, and Admin are displayed
- If the current location is Admin, Home, Live, and Play are displayed